Tis the day to bring excitement thru your clear verbally expressed message. Not only do you need to make sure that your message is clear. You also need to have a clear understanding of the message from others. This is a key component when you have a desire to live a balanced life. Are you willing to put in the word of the year and work to keep your memory active throughout this day? Or you gonna sit back, be lazy, and let your mental wither away along with your creativity and idealism?
Thru maturity and discipline, we guard being mentally lazy for today can bring conflict, not being naive and gullible because this can cause tempers to fly, sarcasm, and spite to occur. So, while you're out tonight, having your eggnog with friends and family and things get chaotic. Keep this in mind, respond rather than react, and make love not war because you don't wanna make a decision that can be costly one. Have an awesome fun filled holiday
and remember you all are stars so shine like one.
Mental Reset