If you have anything to get cleaned, organized, or straightened up, today is your day. The Moon moves into Virgo and Virgo's love order. Calendars are a must. The Moon comes into a helpful trine with the traffic jam of Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter in Capricorn. Both are earth signs. Air people talk, water people get emotional, fire people cause a scene, but earth people get the job done. Sure and steady, earth people are the ones you can count on. Speaking of counting on, be on the lookout for a surprise contact from someone you haven't heard from in a while. It may come over social media or someone you may have met online. The new Moon just passed which signals new beginnings. With the Sun in Leo (self-centered), these next 2 days would be ideal to start a new self-improvement program. I didn't say exercise. I said self-improvement which could be anything that betters you in the end. Virgo is all about improvement, that's why it's the sign "I Analyze." Lean on the cardinal and earth energy to finally get started and complete that program that will transform you on some level.