Grand rising fellow travelers in the matrix. We just celebrated the birth of the son. Astrologically, winter is the death of the sun. Darkness has overtaken the light of the day and it’s just getting started. Capricorn season is the cardinal part of winter, making father time Saturn the star of the show. Fresh off a tense square with the Sun, the Moon Chiron opposition makes the Moon visit her storage unit of hurt feelings. Will she be dropping off more feelings or getting rid of a few? A person, place or thing can touch your tender box of stored undealt with pain.
Emotional spaces can lead to you being unrealistic. Anything unexpected can put you on an emotional roller coaster. Let go of dependency, moodiness, lack of self-respect, and your insecurities. In the end, that is the crutch, I mean story you will tell when asked why you didn’t accomplish your goals.
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