I Am Astrology Readings
Know Thyself
Natal Birth Chart Readings
Some believe that the positions of the Sun, Moon and planets at the time of a person's birth, and place of birth have a direct influence to that person's character. The positions are thought to affect a person's destiny, although free will plays a large role in any individuals life. If life seems like a series of meaningless events, Astrology can be a comforting sign that perhaps things happen for a reason. It can shine light on inner contradictions and natural strengths. The birth chart is a guide to self understanding that never stops revealing new layers of insight.
The Birth Chart is a tool of Self discovery.

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Neptune Into Aries

Neptune Into Aries

The Venus Pluto Connection: Fate, Fire, and Feelings

Mercury Retrograde in Aries: A Cosmic Shift in Motion

The Lunar Eclipse in Virgo: Transformation and Truth for each rising sign
Zodiac signs

The Ram
The Bull
The Twins
The Crab
The Lion
The Virgin
The Scales
The Scorpion
The Centaur

The Goat
The Water Carrier
The Fishes
Some think that the zodiac signs are based on their birth date. It is, but not only.
The day you were born would be considered as your Sun sign.
See the traits of your Sun sign.
Want to know more??

My Journey

I am Paul. When I reflect back on my life, I was always interested in astrology. I would read my daily horoscope in the newspaper every day and often wonder, “how do they know?”
One day I was told I am a “cusp of beauty”, because my birthday was the last day of Virgo. I went home to research what cusp of beauty meant. My curiosity soared when finding out the meaning. I didn’t realize that I had just begun the journey of “Know Thyself.”
Learning how to read my natal chart I acquired the skills to assist others with deciphering their own chart-energy. Astrology has helped me understand and accept me for who I am. Although still work in progress, knowing about myself is surely making the process easier. I enjoy helping others (Virgo Sun) with the information I have gathered (Gemini Rising) that will help transform lives (Scorpio Moon) in a positive way.
I look forward to meeting and working with you as we embark on your journey.

Contact Me

Are you looking for answers? Perhaps would like to receive a confirmation that your life is on the right track? Whatever the reason may be, you’ve come to the right place.
I love helping people develop the tools they need to cope with all of life’s challenges.
I get great satisfaction from seeing them heal and thrive.
Contact me today and let the healing process begin.